Assistant Secondary Principal
"The Lord Almighty has sworn 'Surely as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand...' This is the plan determined for the whole world; this is the hand stretched out over all nations. For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?"
It reminded me that in any uncertain time - financial challenges, family hardships, illnesses, marriage unrest, hurricanes, political strife - God is still on the throne. He is sovereign. He is aware. He is the author, creator, and He is at work.
While I was in college, my grandma and I together studied the book Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges. It has long impacted my life and my walk with God. It helped me to see the real character of God, taught me why He is worthy of my trust, and encouraged me to live a life fully confident in the Sovereign God. Let me share my three favorite ideas from the book with you...
First, trusting God becomes easy when you know how much He loves you. "Psalm 145 speaks of His 'abundant goodness,' of His being 'rich in love' and 'good to all,' of having 'compassion on all he has made,' and of being 'loving toward all he has made' (verses 7-9, 17)" (Bridges, 136). When you know that someone loves you and has nothing but the best in mind for you, it is easy to trust them.
My grandma's favorite visual image of Isaiah 40 |
Secondly, I will never forget that both the good and the difficult circumstances in my life occur for two reasons: for my good and His glory. Jerry Bridges writes "These two objectives are never antithetical; they are always in harmony with each other. God never pursues His glory at the expense of the good of His people, nor does He ever seek our good at the expense of His glory" (p. 25-26). What confidence I can have! No matter the situation "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).
The third idea that has stuck with me for years is that worship is the most appropriate response to both joyful occasions and adversity. Bridges points out that as soon as Job received the news of his tremendous losses "He fell to the ground in worship..." (Job 1:20). This act of worship and thankfulness is an outward demonstration of our inward trust in God. Later, the song "I Will Praise You in the Storm" by Casting Crowns dramatically emphasized this idea in my heart. "I will lift my hands/for you are who you are/no matter where I am."
We can have complete, total dependence and trust in the One who loves us unconditionally, knows what is best for us, and in his sovereignty has the power to bring it about (Bridges, p. 18 ). Let's explode the news feed on Facebook with that joyous confidence!
Bridges, Jerry. Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts. Colorado Spring, Colorado: Navpress, 1988.
The book that Jennie refers to is free for the Kindle on amazon today!!!